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  • hebfarmhomestead

Who we are

We are Eric and Lauren Heberling. Our story basically started when we met each other (2008) and fell in love. Like all good romances, we went on lots of dates. And in those dates we consumed lots of food, like LOTS of food. All of the sudden, we both packed on a lot of unnecessary pounds and decided to do something about it. We tried many diets/fads/trends and successfully lost over 100lbs each! But then we hit a plateau. With all the tips/tricks we couldn't lose any more weight, even while training to run a marathon!

We now realized that it wasn't necessarily about the calories, but rather the realness of our food. A lot of popular weight loss plans incorporate things that I (as a biology teacher) couldn't even read (trying to use my college degree). We decided that we wanted to be as chemical free as possible and consume as much real food as we could. In 2011 at our old home on less than 2 acres we got chickens. 6 Laying hens to be exact. And then the agriculture bug hit us.

Shortly 6 baby peeps turned into dozens of other breeds of chicken. Then we got into ducks (which was very short lived) and sheep (also short lived, but delicious). Then we started raising meat chickens (Cornish Cross) on pasture and are hooked. Every year since, we have been raising hundreds of meat birds to fill our freezer and those of a select few friends. In the spring of 2019 we found a farm for sale that we could afford (because it wasn't pretty) and decided to sell our very first home (which was pretty) and take a leap of faith into farming...and MAJOR home remodeling.

Late summer of 2019 rolled around and we sold our really nice house for our farm. We are raising laying hens, meat chickens, and started pigs. We are also working on major house remodeling, each working full time jobs as teachers, raising a 5 and 3 year old, and expanding our farm. Needless to say, we are never bored.

Thank you in advance for helping us in our journey and yours in clean, beyond organic food. Healing Every Bite. - Eric, Lauren, Peter, and Ellie Ann Heberling

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